Build your dream team with Dover's free sourcing tools

Try our free hiring toolkit built for startups

Every hiring channel, one powerful platform

Sourcing Extension

Transform how you source on LinkedIn. Instantly connect with top talent and send personalized emails in seconds.

Free forever

Find emails & send outreach in 2 clicks

Built for founders who want easy-to-use tools

Job Boards

Your job postings deserve maximum exposure. Reach top talent across multiple job boards.

One-click posting to LinkedIn, Indeed, and X

Post to 70+ popular job boards

Review all applicants from everywhere in one place

Employee Referrals

Early startup hires often come from your network. We make it simple to submit and track referrals.

Request referrals from your team, investors, and friends

Zero setup - just share and track intros

Monitor your pipeline from referral to hire

Agency Portal

Make recruiting agencies work harder for you. Full visibility into candidates, costs, and conversion.

One hub for all agency submissions

See which recruiters actually deliver results

One dashboard, zero mental overhead

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